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Quick Home Remedies for Everyday Health Problems

Even with a healthy lifestyle and a good fitness routine, there are times when we suffer from health problems. Most of them are everyday problems that can be solved quickly or problems that will go away after a while. Others may require some treatment.

Instead of reaching for over-the-counter medications right away, there are simple and effective home remedies you should try when you’re suffering from everyday health problems such as headaches and tiredness. We are going to take a closer look at some of them in this article.

A Quick Fix for Your Headache

This is a set of tips I picked up from a nurse friend of mine. We all know how challenging being a professional nurse can be. Aside from the tight schedules and long hours, my nurse friend also spends time studying for her online nursing degree from Norwich University.

Many things can cause headaches. Not getting enough sleep, a bad diet, or even a sudden spike in your sugar intake can quickly turn into headaches of varying degrees. Medications work really well, but you should consider trying some home remedies first.

Taking magnesium is one of the solutions you need to try. It is a lot safer than painkillers and it can help alleviate headaches effectively. Magnesium works for headaches caused by stress, low counts of magnesium (i.e. when you are diabetic) and high blood pressure.

This is a trick she learned while taking her RN to MSN online program. I have tried it several times and it works really well.

Getting Rid of Fatigue

When you spend most of your time sitting down in front of the computer or standing up to get things done, you are bound to feel very tired at the end of the day. The legs, your lower and upper back, and your hands will be exhausted.

Two drops of peppermint oil, 2 drops of clove oil, and a bucket of hot water are what you need. Soak the lower legs and feet in this mixture for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with water once you are done. You can almost feel the tiredness going away with this treatment.

Peppermint oil is a handy essential oil to have. It is good for the skin and can help soothe digestive issues, which is another common health issue for those with tight schedules.

Dealing with Acne and Skin Issues

When you’re busy and you spend a lot of time outside, it is easy for the skin to become irritated. Soon, you’ll be dealing with problems such as acne and redness. There are two things you need to do to quickly solve these skin problems.

First, make sure you wash your face (and your body) at least twice a day. Don’t wash too often and try not to end the day by falling asleep with your makeup on. If you still get acne after maintaining a good cleansing regime, then it is time to turn to garlic.

Garlic is one of the best ingredients to have around the house. It has anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties, along with a very strong antibiotic effect. All you need to do is cut a small piece of garlic and mince or crush it before applying it to affected skin.

Simple remedies like the ones we covered in this article have little to no side effects, which is why they are better compared to over-the-counter medications. Try these home remedies first the next time you suffer from everyday health issues.

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