With a corporate job where you are one of the first in the office and usually one of the last to leave, it gives you little time to eat healthily. Sitting at a desk all day isn’t the best way to stay in shape either, so it’s important to find ways to manage your health regardless of circumstances.
The first place to start is what you eat. It’s the fuel we give to our bodies, and we start to break down physically if we don’t get quality sources of energy on a regular basis.
How can you plan for the week ahead?
Don’t Rely on the Sandwich Vendor
It’s all too easy to buy a sandwich from the vendor who is let inside the office to do their food rounds. The trouble here is that you don’t know how they prepared their sandwiches or the quality of the sandwich fillings. Was low-fat mayo used or full fat? Will you be tempted by the bag of chips and cookies that they also have in their basket? It’s just too tempting and should be avoided.
Create Your Own Meal Plan
The best way to deal with the need to eat lunch at work is to buy the ingredients and prepare it yourself in the morning or the night before and wrap it up ready in the refrigerator. You can pick the supplier of the meat fillings and look out for farm fresh and organic farming suppliers as they learn how to enrich soil to ensure their farm grown produce is the richest in nutrients and goodness.
If you like to snack, bring along some fun little items to avoid dipping into the cookie jar or picking up that bag of chips calling your name. Don’t expect your willpower to keep you on the straight and narrow because it won’t when you’re hungry and tired.
What to Do When You Work Late
When you’re that person who either performs the late shift or simply has longer hours in the office, plan for what you’ll do when you get home. It’s all too easy to order up a pizza or cook something fast and unhealthy when you’re exhausted. The best idea is to plan for these days.
If you have to consume a ready meal because you don’t have the energy to cook from scratch, then choose one from the supermarket that matches your goals. That could be a Weight Watchers meal with its dependable points program or another healthy choice that will cook fast in a microwave but not cause you to feel guilty later.
Succeeding with keeping bad food choices out of your life when you’re pressed for time is all in the preparation. It means being smart when you go shopping on the weekend to support what your crazy week will be like. If you know that you’re going to be slammed with meeting after meeting or that you’ll get home later that week, buy the right foods that will put you in a good place to support your healthy eating goals to avoid sabotaging yourself.