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Business Suits Feeling Too Tight? It’s Time to Exercise

It might be that during the Thanksgiving holiday you ate too much turkey, stuffing and delicious apple pie with ice cream. Maybe you know that you’ve needed to drop a few pounds for a while now and the holiday season has you worried things will only get worse.

If you’re feeling like you’d better get started doing something about it before your business suits won’t even fit you in 2018, then we have a few suggestions to help you with that.

Make It a Group Effort

You probably have one or more friends who you talk to and share guilty confessions about the weight you’ve added on recently and how you feel bad about it. What you can do is tell them that you’re turning over a new leaf and want them to join you. Two are stronger than one. One person won’t let the other quit on themselves which is a great support system to have. And when you’ve got a group of friends together that’s even better because they’ll almost always be someone to go out walking with or car pool to the gym for a workout session.

Create a New Routine to Support Your Goals

Having a routine makes it easier to stick to a plan created to support your personal goals. With health and fitness, this can include the days and times that you agree to exercise along with planning group exercise meetups. You also need to think about how you’ll adjust your eating and particularly your dining out experiences to not sabotage yourself. As the saying goes: Failing to plan is planning to fail and without a new routine, you will be rudderless and without direction.

Digital Trainers at a Fraction of the Cost of a Real Trainer

Some fitness trainers offer their talents packaged up neatly in an online video training course. Every fitness expert can only train so many people one-on-one, but when releasing their own course, they can help many more people.

Fitness exercise courses focus on different areas like aerobic improvement, building muscle, endurance gains, and more. You can choose the course and trainer that suits your fitness goals at Workout Box which are available for a low monthly subscription that’s far cheaper than a gym membership. When you find that you have hit a plateau or have a specific fitness goal in mind like a lower body fat percentage, then a specialized workout program is ideal for that.

Sports for Exercise

Not everyone is a gym rat. You may not enjoy the sight of hundreds of people exercising or find it doesn’t give you the right motivation. The point of exercise is to burn off calories. While it’s a good idea to work different bones, joints, and muscle groups for a well-rounded fitness routine, that doesn’t mean you must do that in a gym.

When you and your friends enjoy playing a couple of sets of tennis, then grab your tennis rackets and hit the clay courts. All that running around chasing the ball and swinging the racket burns a solid number of calories. If you like cycling or hiking on local trails, then get out there and go enjoy yourself. There’s no strict requirement that you must workout at a gym to be successful. A greater amount of movement and consuming few calories delivers the weight loss results. In fact, when you enjoy the alternative exercise more, getting out there for another set or trying a different cycling route becomes much easier to do consistently.

You’ll find that getting started with working out when you’ve only added a few extra unwanted pounds isn’t that hard. As long as you just need to shift some weight and improve your fitness, then any amount of extra movement is usually a good thing. Also, if you have experienced any recent medical issues, then do consult with your doctor before jumping into a new fitness routine.

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