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4 Great Tips for The Best Smoked BBQ

We all love the summer months, and besides the warmer weather and excellent tan you are going to experience, having a barbeque is the next best thing.  Invite your friends and family over for a cookout and show them the brand new electric smoker that you bought just for these occasions.  Today, we are going to showcase 4 tips that can help you experience the best, smoked BBQ you have ever had.  Getting the meat smoked just right is a science and we aim to make sure you have the best chance of impressing your guests.

1.     Get the Right Smoker

Just like any other product line on the market, there are many different smokers that you can choose from.  Getting the one that is right for you and your home may not seem hard, but there are a few things to consider before buying.  Things like, how much space you have for it, or how much meat you want to smoke at one time are variables that should be determined beforehand.  Smokers come in different setups as well.  Consumers can get a charcoal smoker, wood smoker, gas smoker or electric smoker. is a great resource for comparing options.

2.     Select the Right Meat

Everyone has their own taste in meat, so if you are going to have a party and invite many people over, you have to make sure you have a meat that caters to the entire group.  In most cases, smokers can accommodate a wide variety of meats, but the most popular are pork or beef ribs.  Once you have your meat picked out, it is time to decide how you are going to prepare it.

3.     Prepare Your Meat

Whether you choose to smoke your beef ribs, chicken or fish, getting the meat prepared can be just as important as the electric smoker itself.  Typically, you have two options for preparation and they include a marinade or a rub.  If you are going to marinate the meat, a little more planning is involved because you allow the meat to soak for 8 or more hours.  Using a rub might be a little faster and allows for a little more customization when it comes to the flavour. Rubs consist of a mixture of spices and salts to bring out the overall flavour of your smoked meat.

4.     No Need to Peek at The Meat

One of the most important tips that anyone can give a person that is new to a meat smoker is to keep the door closed.  Once the process has started, there is little to no need for the door to be opened.  Of course, that would not be the end of the world, however, it is one of the most common mistakes that is made during the smoking process.  The standard is that the door is kept closed for at least 4 hours, if not the entire cooking time.

Summer can be fun and exciting, and since the weather offers you more options to do things with the family, maybe getting a new smoker is on the cards.  These tips will hopefully get you started.

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