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That Dream Body Everybody Is Dreaming Of

Dreaming of a perfect body? Everybody does! But how? Get your Dream Body!

I Just Want That Dream Body Everybody Is Dreaming Of

Be honest, you’ve said the following sentence before. No worries, I have said the same thousand times. Setting your life goals is one of the most life-changing thing you can do. Go for it!

Are you dying to know how to get the body of your dreams? Do you want to be one of those people who walks into a room and makes every head turn and conversations stop? YES YES YES!

I’ve got a secret. I know how you can achieve all of these things.

The answer is:

Patience & Hard Work

Dream Body

It’s that time of year again when everyone wants to get rid of all the extra’s. There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to weight loss, as many people take the approach of less food and huge amounts of cardio. This couldn’t be more wrong. The main contributor to weight loss is in your food. So keep that in mind Rogue’s.

A goal is a thought with commitment to make it real.

If you make healthy eating choices and exercise (cardio and strength training) on a regular basis your dream body can be a reality.

Ask yourself WHY you want to change your body and your lifestyle. Once you have figured out what your ultimate motivation is, write it down or find a picture that reminds you of it. Keep it where you can see it every day!

First you want to get into the right state to set compelling life goals for yourself. You must allow yourself to dream. There are no barriers.

What Do I Have To Do For That Dream Body?

All women are dreaming of losing stubborn belly fat, Tone your hips, butt, thighs, arms! Don’t limit yourself, get that bikini body!

Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving. Go for your dream Body!

That Dream Body Everybody Is Dreaming Of

How can I lose fat and gain more muscle. Okay, be patient! I have done many many attempt for losing weight. Below you can find my personal

While cardio is important for weight loss, it’s a combination of strength work and cardio that have the most impact on weight when it comes to exercise. Want that Dream Body, check out below!

  • Eat more carbs on workout days, especially right after your
  • Always eat enough protein

Most important things of all, Girls:

  • Enjoy your exercise
  • Water is your new best friend. Drink it! Drinking water helps you to stave off hunger as well as helps with water retention
  • Take control of emotional eating
  • Get at least 7-8 hours sleep per night.

That Dream Body Everybody Is Dreaming Of

Be strong and you’ll have that summer body you’ve always desired. You will discover how you can unleash your ultimate body like she did!

And don’t forget a hour of workout is 4% of your day! No Excuses, you rebels! So sweat no and shine later.

Comments 2

  1. Laura
    May 1, 2016

    Thanks for all the great tips, I do drink a lot of water and eat really healthy but I can surely say that working out regularly is everything! It’s just essential for being fit, eating healthy makes you slim down but exercising puts you in shape. Great post! Stop by my blog whenever you like, xoxo

  2. thegoodrogue
    May 2, 2016

    Hi Laura,

    That’s right! Instead of fasting, fill up on foods that have a lot of water, fiber, or both—such as fruit, veggies, and beans. Add lean protein, fat-free dairy, and whole grains so you won’t miss important nutrients. It’s all about the combination.

    All the best,

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